quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2011

Will phosphate be Canada's next potash?



"He told me that Mosaic is currently in court fighting to keep a plant in Florida open -- one that produces close to 18% of Mosaic's total phosphate production. "If that plant shuts down, fertilizer prices will shoot through the roof." As far as which countries have huge phosphate deposits, he told me that Morocco has the biggest deposits in the world but given its political climate, companies are looking elsewhere. That's where Canada comes into the picture."

terça-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2011

Moon phosphates (from Wikipedia)

Moon rocks collected by astronauts during the Apollo program contain traces of apatite.[12] Re-analysis of these samples in 2010 revealed water trapped in the mineral as hydroxyl, leading to estimates of water on the lunar surface at a rate of at least 64 parts per billion – 100 times greater than previous estimates – and as high as 5 parts per million.[13] If the minimum amount of mineral-locked water was hypothetically converted to liquid, it would cover the Moon's surface in roughly one meter of water.[14]

domingo, 18 de dezembro de 2011

Honouring Paul Smith (updated in January, 10, 2018)

Paul Anthony Smith (*12/22/1944 in England +12/25/2017 Pará de Minas,, Brasil) was a Chemical Engineer.
After graduation in late 60's, he worked in Nitrogen Industry.
With Fisons, he entered Phosphoric Acid world, either in Great Britain as also in Macedonia, Brazil, Poland and the former Soviet Union (among other international designations).
He was, in 70´s and begining of 80's, employee of Arafértil, Paulo Abib Engineering and an Independent Project Consultant for the former Quimbrasil (Bunge) in Brazil.
In late Eighties he moved to Belgium and, as Prayon Rupel Technologies' (PRT) Director, in the 90´s he consolidated PRT as Phosphoric Acid Di Hydrate Technology world leader.
Last decade up to now he has been working for Bunge-Fosfértil (now Vale Fertilizers), in Brazil, Morroco and with other international "ad hoc" assignments.
Also an Independent Consultant ("P.A.S and Associates") for Phosphoric Acid and Mineral Chemicals Plants he is involved with players of five continents.
With the same stature of his masters, colleagues and friends Archie Vivian Slack, Jean Frochen and Pierre Becker, he is building plants and generations of technicians here in Brazil and around the world.
After his 73th Birthday he passed away quietly with family members.
We pay tribute to the "Professor Emeritus" of our art!

Phosphoric Acid capacity expansions ("real" or "speculative") by CRU (Andy Young)

1. 375,000 t j-v plant with Bunge – 2009
2. Speculative 375,000 t OCP plant in 2012
Tunisia:330,000 t GCT j-v plant in 2012
FSU: Speculative
China: At least 2 million t new capacity by 2012/2013
Algeria: Speculative 330,000 t capacity by Ferphos by 2013
Iran: S l t/y 250 000 or 750,000 t capacity by 2013 – likely to be delayed
Egypt: Speculative capacity increase by 2011
Saudi Arabia: Ma’aden project 1.4 million t in 2011;
Speculative 250,000 t plant in 2013, Speculative 600 k t/y for 2015
Mexico:500,000 t restart of Fertinal
Speculative 150,000 t/y plant by 2013

1. Vale/Fosfertil 300 kt/y expansion at Uberaba - MG in 2011
2. New 150,000 t Vale/Bunge plant - 2014 (Cajati or Anitápolis?)
3. Up to 240,000 t Copebras Catlão - GO expansion by 2013/14
4. Speculative Vale/Fosfertil 610,000 t Salitre (near Patrocínio - MG) 2 plants in 2013
5. Galvani's Santa Quitéria-CE (250 k t/y) to be delayed?

The World Market for Phosphoric Acid and Fertilizers in 2012

World Phosphate Fertilizer Demand Outlook
• All world regions forecast to have steady or higher demand going forward, following a rebound from the current economic downturn – growth will be led by Brazil and Asia.
• Growth in ethanol/biofuels particularly in the US and EU is expected to promote demand there, though modestly.
• Overall, global phosphate demand growing at 2.1% per year over the medium term, slowing down over the long-term with improved technology and efficiency.
(excert of http://www.firt.org/sites/default/files/Jung_Phosphate_Outlook_presentation.pdf by Andy Young of CRU).

quarta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2011

Vale gasta R$ 2,078 bi para fechar capital de empresa de fertilizantes

SÃO PAULO - A Vale conseguiu fechar o capital de sua controlada Vale Fertilizantes, empresa que reúne os ativos da Fosfertil, da área de nutrientes fertilizantes da Bunge e alguns ativos da Mosaic que foram comprados pela mineradora no ano passado.
O preço de aquisição foi de R$ 25,00 por ação ordinária ou preferencial e a oferta movimentou R$ 2,078 bilhões.
A adesão dos minoritários da Vale Fertilizantes à oferta pública de aquisição de ações (OPA), realizada nesta segunda-feira na B&MFBovespa, superou os dois terços das ações habilitadas para o leilão, como exige a legislação, permitindo que a companhia efetive o encerramento do registro de companhia aberta, como exige a legislação.
A Vale comprou 211.014 ações ordinárias (83,8% do capital ordinário em circulação) e 82.919.456 ações preferenciais (94,0% dos papéis preferenciais em circulação) da Vale Fertilizantes. A Vale passou a deter, através da Naque, 99,99% do total de ações ordinárias e 98,09% do total de ações preferenciais da empresa de fertilizantes.

(Téo Takar | Valor)

terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011

Avançam as ações do Projeto Serra do Salitre (Galvani) http://www.galvani.ind.br/pdfs/raizes_ed40.pdf

Após obter a licença prévia do Conselho Estadual de Política Ambiental (Copam) para o projeto em Serra do Salitre (MG), concedida em julho, a Galvani firma parcerias para a qualificação profissional da mão-de-obra.
Com investimento estimado em R$ 230 milhões, a previsão é de que a entrada em operação se dê a partir de 2011.
Para a capacitação de profissionais que vão atuar na construção, operação e manutenção da nova unidade, a Galvani assinou importantes acordos com instituições e o governo mineiro. Entre eles o convênio com a Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Minas Gerais (Fiemg), que visa à qualificação profissional por meio de duas entidades renomadas: o Serviço Social da Indústria (Sesi) e o Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (Senai), ambas ligadas à Federação. Para
viabilizar a infraestrutura necessária para as aulas, a Galvani firmou acordo com a Prefeitura Municipal de Serra do Salitre.
Ainda neste ano será assinado outro convênio com o Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais envolvendo secretarias estaduais, entre elas a do Desenvolvimento Social. A intenção é unir esforços dos setores público e privado a fim de impulsionar a formação profissional e, consequentemente, gerar mais empregos para a população da região.
Meio ambiente
A Galvani vem realizando uma série de ações ambientais para promover a conservação do ecossistema na área onde será implantada sua nova unidade de mineração.
Atenção especial está sendo dada à Convênios são firmados para promover capacitação
profissional e ações ambientais estão sendo implementadas questão da água, com a elaboração de um estudo hidrogeológico que visa garantir este insumo necessário à operação da unidade, com qualidade e volume suficientes, sem comprometer os recursos hídricos da região.
Com o objetivo de minimizar os impactos, outra ação em curso é a proteção da fauna e da flora locais, com monitoramento das espécies existentes e recomposição florestal para atender à compensação ambiental. A intenção é criar ambientes propícios ao aumento da fauna da região e ampliar a vegetação visando à proteção de rios e córregos.
O resgate arqueológico é outro ponto relevante das ações da Galvani, que estuda parcerias com institutos a fim de resguardar os objetos encontrados e viabilizar a criação de um museu na região.

domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2011

Rio Verde Minerals details Sergipe´s Potash Projects

The Sergipe Potash Project, located in the Northeastern region of Brazil in the State of Sergipe, is one of Rio Verde’s principal projects. The project is comprised of 12 separate land holdings, over a total area of approximately 112,000 hectares. These land holdings have been grouped into ten on-shore and two off-shore prospects.
The on-shore prospects are divided into four northern prospects located just south of the Rio Sao Francisco (the northern border of the State of Sergipe) and six southern prospects located around the city Aracaju. The northern prospects consist of the Ilha das Flores Prospect, the Capela 1 Prospect, Capela 2 Prospect and the Panqueca Prospect; the southern prospects are the Rio do Sal Prospect, the Sergi Prospect, the Passagem Prospect, the Porto das Cobras Prospect, the Barra dos Coqueiros Prospect and the Orla de Aracaju Prospect. The Project’s main prospects are the Sergi Prospect, the Rio do Sal Prospect and the Capela 1 Prospect. An overview of the locations and approximate boundaries of the prospects is shown above.
These on-shore land holdings are situated in the Sergipe Basin, the same sedimentary basin as established oil producing wells and also Brazil’s only producing potash mine, the Vale’s Taquari-Vassouras mine. Vale’s mine produced 607,000 tonnes of potash in 2008, equalling roughly 10% of the Brazilian market demand at that time. These figures demonstrate the high potential for other Potash projects, like Rio Verde’s, in this area.
Rio Verde’s two off-shore prospects are the Mosqueiro Prospect and the Guacirema Prospect; both located approximately 8 km off Aracaju’s coastline.

sábado, 3 de dezembro de 2011

World Phosphoric Acid Market drivers for 2012

Sulfur is tight.Balanced sulphur market conditions in the short term, shifting to increasing potential surpluses after 2012.
World phosphate rock capacity is projected to increase by an overall 20%, from 190 Mt in 2009 to 228 Mt in 2014. This growth in potential production would result from a combination of expansions at existing operations, new mines opened by current producers, and new capacity added by emerging suppliers. On a regional basis, future rock supply is projected to increase in almost all regions although additions would mainly be in Africa,West Asia and East Asia. Productive capacity is projected to decline in North America. New supply from emerging suppliers would add close to 17 Mt, of which more than half would be available for exports.
However, most new suppliers have plans for downstream processing in the longer term. If all these projects proceed as planned, there will be no shortage of phosphate concentrates in the medium term.Limited addition of “merchant grade” phosphoric acid supply in the near term Global phosphoric acid capacity is forecast to increase by a net 9.2 Mt to 55.5 Mt P2O5 between 2009 and 2014. About 90% of this net expansion would be earmarked for domestic markets and the rest sold under contracted offtake agreements. The main additions to domestic capacity would be in China, Morocco and Saudi Arabia. New merchant capacity is expected to come on stream from stand-alone units in Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia.
The net addition to merchant grade acid capacity is estimated at 1.6 Mt P2O5, of which 1.5 Mt would come from four large stand-alone units. No new tonnage of non-committed merchant grade acid capacity is expected to be available before 2014.
Relatively balanced market conditions for phosphoric acid-based products is foresseen through 2014.

quinta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2011

Lin Fei, JinNingXian, YunNan, China

CF Industries, Geismar, Louisiana

PCS (left) and Innophos (right) at Geismar, Louisianna, USA

The Economic importance of Phosphoric Acid

Production Volume: 40 million tons per anum (of P2O5)
Unitary price: US$ 1.500 per ton P2O5
Annual "turnover": US$ 600 billion!
Phosphoric Acid is important because it is a source of "high concentration" Phosphorus for vegetables and animals (beside its Industrial Usages).
And if "we" producers of Phosphoric Acid were a "nation", its GDP would fit in the top 20!*
Or 1% of World GDP. Very important economic thing!

The figures are inacurate (but realistic)!
GDP Table World 62,911,253[4]*
European Union 16,242,256[4]
1 United States 14,526,550
2 China, People's Republic of 5,878,257n2
3 Japan 5,458,797
4 Germany 3,286,451
5 France 2,562,742
6 United Kingdom 2,250,209
7 Brazil 2,090,314
8 Italy 2,055,114
9 India 1,631,970
10 Canada 1,577,040
11 Russia 1,479,825
12 Spain 1,409,946
13 Australia 1,237,363
14 Mexico 1,034,308
15 Korea, South 1,014,482
16 Netherlands 780,668
17 Turkey 735,487
18 Indonesia 706,752
19 Switzerland 527,920
20 Poland 469,401