sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2017

Brazil is bullish

Mosaic is buying Vale.
Vale will keep in business as Cubatao Fertilizantes.
Yara is taking Galvani.
CMOC operates former Copebras Anglo.
Heringer has OCP and PCS as partners.
ICL has major interests in KCl and purified acid.
Life goes on. 

Mbac turns to Itafos

A long waited project is coming to life again.
The SSP plant at Arraias Tocantins got the right financing and is schedulled to re start in early April.
Brazil and world phosphate welcome this junior to the major's club!

quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2017

Warehouses of phosphate

Radon exhalation should be measured to  eventually avoid high concentration of this radioactive gaseous element.